About Me

About Me

Thank you for visiting the Modern Times Parenting blog! My name is Bre. I’m the main writer of the blog and my husband, Paul, helps with editing. I’m a stay-at-home homeschool mom of three kids. I’ve been educating myself on libertarianism in theory and practice for the past 7 years or so and I’ve been parenting for a little over 5 years. I have a Bachelor’s degree in English Rhetoric & Writing with a minor in Philosophy so this blog is a very natural progression for me.

Originally, the idea was to write a book, but since my life is a bit chaotic with three young kids, for now, I simply want to put these ideas out there and hope I can inspire some parents to do a little self-reflecting and to perhaps take into consideration these somewhat unconventional parenting practices.

I do want to note that I’m not what many parenting bloggers would call “an expert.” I don’t have a degree in early childhood development. I’m not a child psychologist. I’m simply a mother who loves her children and I want them to live an amazing life full of happiness and freedom. Through observing major societal changes over the past year and a half and through studying history and philosophy for over a decade, I simply need to share what I believe is extremely important for future generations: teaching and honoring consent, self-ownership, and non-aggression.

Over time, I’d love to expand Modern Times to include some guest writers and I am hoping to start a group chat soon for parents who are looking for advice and a place to speak openly and freely about the absolute joys and hardships that come with raising sovereign children.

I’m happy you’re here!