Free Speech and Anti-Censorship Parenting

Though it may not be stated directly as a fundamental tenet of anarchism or libertarianism, to be anti-censorship very much aligns with the kind of “live and let live” approach to parenting I promote. Censoring individuals’ speech leads to dishonesty and distrust. It’s important to always let your children speak their mind, but I think it’s also important to let […]

The Economics of Parenting: A Laissez-faire Approach

              One way to shift our perspective from the mainstream parenting paradigm is to look at it through an economic lens. Sounds kind of boring, right? This kind of parenting economics isn’t based on collective logic and boring data points, it’s based on praxeology, or human action, which is the study of purposeful human behaviors based on individual desires and […]

Liberty Library: A List of Pro-Freedom Books for Young Children

            Reading with our children is crucial for so many developmental reasons, but two important reasons are the time we get to spend with our children and the connections they make between what they read and what they experience in the real world.             We all want to impart certain values to our children. Some of the most important values I hope […]

Teaching Children About Consent

              Teaching our children about consent is perhaps the most important thing we can do as parents. When children understand the concept of consent, they learn to respect other people’s autonomy and are less likely to be abused. The most basic right that every individual has is bodily autonomy. Everything else we might value as a society (peace, freedom, equality, […]

Why You Should Teach Your Child to Question Everything, Even You!

              Children are incredibly curious people. There is so much to learn about the world around them. We have all witnessed a 2 to 3-year-old asking us, “why?” to literally every statement we make, and it turns into a never … ending … conversation. At the end of it, sometimes we just want to shout, “because I said so!”  However, […]

You Can’t Force Sharing: Respecting A Child’s Property Rights

Every human being has an essential claim to their property. The most basic form of property rights is that of the self. Each individual owns their own body; this applies to children as well. The idea of “property rights” seems a bit disconnected and materialistic on the surface, but when you think of it in terms of self-ownership and what […]

NAP Time: A Case Against Spanking

One of the main tenets of the philosophy here at Modern Times is a principle known as the NAP. No, not the sweet, sweet, quiet, time you get when the little ones are sleeping in the afternoon. This NAP is the non-aggression principle. It can be defined as the idea that the act of initiating aggression onto another person or […]


Welcome to Modern Times Parenting! First, I want to explain the name which should give the readers a better idea of the philosophy that our advice, suggestions, and ideas are based upon. Modern Times was the name of a colony in New York from 1851-1864 founded by the “1st American Anarchist”, Josiah Warren. Warren was an individualist anarchist hence he […]